If you have multiple campuses, use campus tags to make events at each campus easier to find. Campus tags can be used to organize administrative events and views. They're also automatically added as filters on the Church Center Calendar page to make finding specific events quicker for congregants.
The best way to set up campus tags is to add campuses in Account settings. If you do this, they are automatically set up in Calendar, and the Setup campus tags button isn't present.
If you added campuses in Account settings after using tags in Calendar, you must set up campus tags by clicking Set up campus tags.
The Set up campus tags button doesn't show if they were set up in Account settings.
You can choose two options for setting up campus tags.
Select Merge if you have existing tags representing your campuses or locations and want to turn them into your campus tags to avoid duplicates.
Select Create if you aren't using Account settings to manage your campuses.
Once you set up your campus tags, you can change the color for each campus tag or make the group required.