Calendar offers two event views that can be customized to fit your church's needs! The default Month view organizes your events in a calendar for the selected month. In the Table view, you can see all of your events in a grid.
On the Month view, you can change the number of events that appears within the date squares by clicking the Settings icon and selecting one of the following Density options:
Condensed shows 6 events. If you have more events on that date, click more... below the last event shown to see the remaining events for that day.
Expanded shows up to 12 events.
All Events shows every event on that date.
If you have set up feed icons or tag dots, click the Settings icon and select Feed icons or Tag dots to add that context to your events at-a-glance.
In the month view, events are color-coded based on their approval status. A yellow highlighted event indicates it has a room or resource pending approval. A red highlighted event means a room or resource requested for the event was rejected.
In the Table view, you can see the next instance of the events for the month or sort them by one of the other columns.
Apply any filters to the Table view, and it will show events based on that filter.
Show all events, future events, or past events.
Show public times only or the full schedule.
Make changes to the Event Owner, select whether to publish or hide changes for Church Center, and add or remove tags for all the events listed on the page.
Select the columns shown in the table.
Change the density of the view (compact or comfortable).
Click the arrows next to a column header to sort the column in ascending or descending order.