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Hide an Event

Some events, such as staff meetings, AA meetings, or weddings, don't need to be shared on Church Center or your public calendars. In these cases, you can unpublish the events.

Remove From Church Center Calendar

Go to the event's Settings tab and change the visibility to Unpublished to remove the event from the Calendar page on Church Center.



Events created through an event request form are unpublished on Church Center until manually published, regardless of their approval status.

Hide From Shared iCal Feeds, Kiosks, and Embeds

On the event's Overview tab, select Edit. In the dropdown, choose This date if you only want to hide this specific instance or This and future dates to hide all instances of the event.


In the Schedule section, times displayed on calendars and kiosks are indicated by corresponding red icons. If the icons are grayed out, they are not enabled.

  • Deselect the calendar icon next to a time to hide the event from your shared public iCal feeds and embeds.

  • Deselect the kiosk icon next to times and resources you do not want to display on public kiosks.


Deselecting an icon does not remove the time/event from shared calendars that are filtered to include the Full Schedule.


Select Save changes, and the time/event will be hidden from your public times, shared calendars, kiosks, and embeds.


Events created through an event request form are hidden on shared calendars, kiosks, and embeds until approved.

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