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Common Resources

With unlimited resources, you can create unique ways to meet your church's specific needs. Check out these examples of some common resources created by churches!


A great way to allow people to request childcare for an event is to add it as a resource. As a resource, childcare can be managed through an approval group and added to request forms and event templates. You can use required questions to gather information like how many children are expected and to communicate room needs.



If your organization has lots of keys to manage, you can manage them more effectively by adding them as resources!

Create a resource for each key and a folder for the keys, and then add the keys to the folder.


Add a key as a suggested resource to any room setup where the key would apply so the owner remembers to request a key.


The owner can request more than one key and add a note about who else will need an additional key.


Once the event is approved, the approvers can leave a note in the Event Activity showing when they gave the key to the event owner and when they received it back.


As people need to check out keys, add the appropriate key to the event to track where the key was last and ensure it is returned at the end of the event.

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